January 10, 2025
FAA Awards $332M In Grants For Airport Modernization
There’s a hidden tax on your airline tickets, and airports want to raise it even higher.
Airports are flush with cash and are recording sky-high revenues. See where this money is being used to improve the passenger experience without increasing the PFC.
January 10, 2025
FAA Awards $332M In Grants For Airport Modernization
January 7, 2025
Utah Airport Launches $4.4M Terminal Expansion
December 16, 2024
San Antonio International Breaks Ground on New $1.2B Terminal
Raising the PFC cap will do little or nothing to improve airport security. It will, however, unnecessarily raise the cost of flying without addressing issues like reducing wait times or enhanced screening. That doesn’t make much sense.
Former U.S. TSA Administrator
It is always easier to tax those who cannot protest rather than look constituents in the eye and tell them you are taking their hard-earned money.
Travelers United
U.S. airlines invested
in 2017 to enhance the travel experience, that’s more than $24 per passenger.
of capital projects have been completed, are underway or approved at the nation’s 30 largest airports alone since 2008. Airlines are strong partners in airport finance, and the long-standing collaboration with airports is helping make air travel more efficient and more convenient for all customers.