Despite record-setting revenues, billions in reserve accounts, and promising industry forecasts, U.S. airports are lobbying Congress to increase the passenger facility charge (PFC), a move that would make flying more expensive for the more than 90 million air travelers who board planes in Tampa International or Miami International Airports, or elsewhere in Florida every year.

Currently, airports are allowed to collect a $4.50 PFC from every enplaned passenger to help fund infrastructure projects. A maximum of two PFCs can be charged on a one-way trip, bringing the round-trip cost to $18 per traveler. In 2017, airports generated a record-setting $3.29 billion from these taxes.

Since the PFC cap was last increased in 2001, passenger growth has sent PFC collections soaring. Revenues in 2017 were more than double what they had been in 2001, and more than $1 billion higher than if they had merely kept up with inflation over that period.