There’s a new fight over passenger charges in the airline world. Airlines for America (A4A) is making it clear that it feels the public should reject any increase in the Passengers Facility Charge (PFC). This charge is essentially an airport tax. Unfortunately, airport executives are pushing for increases that will make travel more expensive for the average person. In fact, many executives actually want to double the amount that passengers are charged for every leg of a flight.

A4A and other organizations are quick to point out that many airports just brought in record profits. In fact, airports are sitting on a huge collective pile of money at the moment. The Aviation Trust Fund brought in $15.7 billion in 2018. The fund now has a surplus of $7 billion. It all comes just as PFC tax collections reached a record high last year. Keep in mind that airports don’t just bring in additional funds through the PFC. They can also increase costs for travelers via parking fees, vendor rent and more.